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Report animal cruelty
Many people call and email us daily with reports of abuse or neglect of animals in Jakarta and other parts of Indonesia. Unfortunately, with such limited space and funding, it is impossible for us to rescue them all. But we can try to answer your questions and help where we can.
Please report all cases of wild animal abuse or neglect to as soon as you learn of it. Depending on what type of animal it is and who the owner is, we may be able to rescue it and send it to a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. This is very much on a case by case basis.
Please include
1. photos
2. details of the animal
3. owner contact details
4. your contact details.
There are thousands of Long Tailed Macaque Monkeys in captivity all around Indonesia. They are not a protected species yet and therefore it is not illegal to keep them as pets. Most often people who have these monkeys get them as infants when they were cute. As the monkeys get older they become aggressive and hard to handle. That’s when people stop caring for them properly and these monkeys are subject to neglect, confinement in small cages or on chains, denied food and water etc.
JAAN receives many reports about Long Tailed Macaques in poor condition that need rescue. JAAN does not have a program, space or resources to rescue all of these monkeys. We can send a team out to speak with the owner and try to get them to improve the condition for the monkey.
If you have a case to report make sure you send:
1. photos
2. exact address
3. owner contact details
4. your contact details.
JAAN has been separated into two different NGO: JAAN Wildlife and JAAN Domestic. Currently, you are visiting the Wildlife website.
If you want to report animal cruelty for domestic animals, please visit the Domestic website. Thank you!
Bali says NO to keeping primates as pets
As a pilot project, Bali will tackle the primate trade and pet issues. Please report to us when you see primates/monkeys in captivity.