K9 - Anti-Poaching

Started in 2025

The first anti-poaching K9 unit in Indonesia. It operates in West Java National Park, home to the critically endangered Javan Rhino.

The illegal circulation of wild plants and animals often includes hunting, collecting, and selling rare species and protected wildlife, whether alive, dead, or their body parts in derivative products. Strengthening efforts to monitor and prevent the illegal circulation and poaching of wild animals often requires the support of the latest science, technology, and methods. One of the methods developed is using K9 dogs as biosensor technology. 

Wildlife Detection

In 2019, JAAN started it's first K9 program: K9 wildlife detection for intercepting smugglers at critical trading routes in Indonesia.


Our implementation of K9 for wildlife continues to be developed from detection methods (Detection Dog) to anti-poacher methods (Tracking Dog). We had done some trials in the West Bali National Park Area since 2022, but the team needed support and professional trainings to develop in a strong anti poaching unit.

This was made possible in 2024 with the support of IFAW. K9 Instructor Frederique Chappèe provided intensive trainings to prepare the unit for real field work and what we first thought would be impossible to reach with our dogs and handlers became possible thanks to Frederique and the support and trust of IFAW. 

The team prepared for real field operations and an MOU was signed with the West Java National Park in 2025. It allows the anti-poaching unit to operate and assist the park authorities in combatting rhino poaching and increasing general security levels of the last java Rhinos’ habitat.

A short summary of this program's activities

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A small glimpse of this program

We are very grateful to IFAW and Frederique Chappèe as without their support this important program could not be realized and operational. 

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JAAN relies on the loving and generous support of all animal lovers in Indonesia and the rest of the word.

A small glimpse of this program

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